mercredi 8 mars 2017

Journée de la femme

Parfois, il m'est plus facile de m'exprimer en anglais.

A womans prayer on March 8
Don’t give me flowers, I need RIGHTS.
Don’t give me rights, because I already own them naturally.
RESPECT these rights!
Don’t opress me in the name of your religion.
No God ever said women should be opressed,
MEN said that. MEN wrote it down into their unholy books.
Don’t tell me your politcal side will save and protect me.
Because, each in your own way,
you ALL agree on the concept of female inferiority.
Left-Liberals are silent on womens opression in Islam.
Right-conservatives agree on the the opression by itself
BOTH are silent on Anti-Woman laws in Russia,
BOTH are silent on Womans opression in Saudia-Arabia.
Don’t tell me not to be a “feminist”, because feminists are unsexy.
I give a flying Fuck if you think I’m sexy or not.
I don’t need your sympathy,
I just need freedom
It doesn’t matter WHO - if you want to take my rights away, I’ll fight back.
My weapons are loaded 365 days a year.

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